Quick Hits: Elimia Clarke Joins Han Solo, Foster Directing Pooh Adaptation, Leitch Directing Deadpool 2, Bassett Joins Black Panther and Legendary Acquires Dune Rights

Check out some quick hit entries for movie news that broke the past few days.  These stories include Emilia Clarke being cast in the Han Solo prequel, Marc Foster directing live action Winnie the Pooh adaptation, David Leitch to direct Deadpool 2, Angela Bassett joining Black Panther cast and Legendary acquiring the rights to Dune. Continue reading Quick Hits: Elimia Clarke Joins Han Solo, Foster Directing Pooh Adaptation, Leitch Directing Deadpool 2, Bassett Joins Black Panther and Legendary Acquires Dune Rights

Suicide Squad: All the Deleted Joker Scenes

Whatever your opinion on Jared Leto’s performance as the Joker in Suicide Squad, the choice to remove most of the footage that was shot for the character left the Harley/Joker subplot and the Joker character feeling shortchanged.  While the complete cuts of these scenes are not yet available (and WB may never fully release these scenes because word is they were not happy with the results), you can get a better idea of all the other Joker scenes that were originally filmed for the movie.  Enjoy.