Tag Archives: shrek

DreakWorks/NBCU Looking to Revive Shrek

It was reported back in April that NBC Universal acquired DreamWorks and their characters including Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, etc.  It should come as no surprise then that they are quickly looking to bank on their investment and bring one of these properties back to the big screen.  According to Deadline (via Screen Rant), they are looking to “resurrect” the Shrek series.  Continue reading for more details. Continue reading DreakWorks/NBCU Looking to Revive Shrek

Check out What a Chris Farley Shrek Would Have Looked Like

If you’re like me (and chances are you aren’t, but that’s ok) you might have pondered “what if” scenarios when it comes to famous casting decisions for films.  Such as “What if Tom Selleck was cast as Indiana Jones instead of Harrison Ford?” or “What if Christian Bale accepted the James Bond offer instead of Batman?”, etc.  There have been so many instances of big names stars almost being cast in highly publicized roles and it’d be curious to peak into an alternate reality to see how the movie might have been different and if those big films would’ve had the same success.  Continue reading Check out What a Chris Farley Shrek Would Have Looked Like