Check out What a Chris Farley Shrek Would Have Looked Like

If you’re like me (and chances are you aren’t, but that’s ok) you might have pondered “what if” scenarios when it comes to famous casting decisions for films.  Such as “What if Tom Selleck was cast as Indiana Jones instead of Harrison Ford?” or “What if Christian Bale accepted the James Bond offer instead of Batman?”, etc.  There have been so many instances of big names stars almost being cast in highly publicized roles and it’d be curious to peak into an alternate reality to see how the movie might have been different and if those big films would’ve had the same success. 

One instance, slightly different from the questions I posed above, involved Chris Farley of SNL fame who was originally cast as everyone’s favorite ogre, Shrek.  He recorded much of his dialogue for a movie still early in development before he passed away.  While video clips of his version of Skrek have surfaced in the past, they’ve been more prominently circling the internet the past week due to “I Am Chris Farley”, a documentary about the comedian that will arrive on Spike TV on August 10.

It’s fascinating to me to see how different the character plays with Farley’s voice instead of Michael Myer’s Scottish accent.  It’s also true that the script Farley is reading from is much different from the final product.  You can check it out in the embedded video below, courtesy of VimeoPro user John Garbett.

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